فرصتهای علمی بین المللی

Logic and Methodology in Sociology





Call for Visitors at LIS and LISER within the (LIS)2ER Initiative – 2025


 Anthropological Responses Scholasticide -28 October 2024, 19:00-21:00 CET / Brussels time 


The USF Seminar Series Awards aim to support the generation of pioneering global research in all areas of urban studies.


Fellowships for early-stage-career researchers and senior researchers (interdisciplinary with Law) 


Call for Chapters: Material Geographies of Childhood and Youth 





4th International conference (ONLINE)

“ Arabs and Muslims History of Science: Scientific Legacy and its Contemporary Impacts”, University of  sharjeh, 4-6 April 2021

Deadline for abstract: 15 Junuary 2021

Information: https://www.sharjeh.ac.ae/en/Media/Conferences/ICHS21/Pages/default.aspx

Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Yale  Program in Iranian Studies ( 2021-2022)

The Associate in all fields of humanities and social, political and environmental sciences will teach one un-dergraduate seminar in the Fall or Spring semester

From August 2021 to May 2022

Deadline for application: 31 December 2020

Information: https://apply.interfolio.com/9421


One-year Faculty Leave Fellowship, Crown Center for Middle East Studies(2021-2022), Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

The fellowship is open to all disciplines—particularly politics, economics, history, religion, sociology, or anthropology—for the 2021-2022 academic year

Deadline for application:1 Junuary 2021

 Information: https://www.brandeis.edu/crown/who/fellowships.html


PhD Studentship Slavery in the Pre-Modern Turko-Persian World,University of St Andrews and University of Bonn

Deadline for application:31 Junuary 2021

Information: https://www.st.andrews.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/postgraduate/scholarships/global-history/


Five Postdoc  Fellowships for the Reserch Program “ Europe in the Middle East- The Mid-dle East  in Europe(EUME)”, Berlin, 2021/2022

Deadline for application: 6 Junuary 2021

Information: https://www.eume-berlin.de /fileadmin/eume/pdf/ausschreibung/EUME_Cfa_2021-22/ EUME-2021-2022- Cfa. Pdf



ONLINE Conference: “ Iran and Global Decolonization” , University of Pennsylvania  and Uni-versity of California Los Angeles, 20-21 May 2021


Deadline for abstract: 15 Junuary 2021

Information: https://mesana.org/resources-and-opportunities/2020/11/30/iran-and-global-decolonization-call-for-papers



Two – Year PostDoctoral Research Fellowship,Department of Culture Studies and Languages,University of Oslo

The Postdoctoral position will be associated with the work package on Middle Eastern futurisms( such as GULF, arab, Iranian,Turkish)

Deadline for application: 1 February 2021

Information: https://www.jobbnorge.no/available-jobs/job/195901/postdoctoral-research-fellowship-at-the-department-of-culture-syudies-and-oriental-languages



14 Phds new positions at SNS in Political Science and Sociology

Deadline 1st March 2021




Articles on “MENA Migrants and Diasporas in Twenty-First-Century Media” for Special Issue of “Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies”

Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2021

Information:https:// ebanesestudies.ojs.chass.ncsu.edu/index.php/mashriq/announcement/view/23


MA Dual Degree in Islamic Studies and Muslim Cultures at Colombia (New York) and Aga Khan University(London)

Deadline for fall admission: 11 February 2021



Post-doctoral Position for Research  on Race and Racialization in the MENA Region and Mid-dle Easterners in the USA , Graduate Center, City University of New York

The successful applicant must have the doctorate in hand by the start of the fellowship (25 August 2021), but be no more than seven years beyond the granting of the phD.

Deadline for applications: 1 March 2021

Information: https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/psp/cnyepprd/GUEST/HRMS/c/HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=22123&Siteld =1&PositingSeq=1



2 Doctoral Stipends in a Graduate School Schoiarship Program at Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences

Information:https://www.bigsss-bremen.de/academic-program/glowel-phd- program-gssp/faculty-and-research